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Tips on How to Pack Your Things for an Overseas Move

Moving overseas usually means a longer trip. This means that your things would be exposed to more bumps and shifting along the way. And so you have to protect your belongings better as well.
Professional movers would do a lot better job. But then if you plan to do the packing yourself you better prepare lots of packing materials. You have to purchase a lot of bubble wrap, shrink wrap, boxes, packing paper and tapes. But first, since you will be traveling long distance, try to minimize the things you need to transport. Donate and sell things you no longer need and things you can easily replace.
When packing, bubble wraps would come in handy in cushioning things against bumps and damage. When packing frames and mirrors, for instance, you need to pack each with packing paper, pad it with cardboard and finish with a wrap of bubble wraps.
Bubble wraps would also be useful in wrapping glasses and stems. But first, place crumpled paper inside it. Never stack dishes flat or it could break due to weight and bumping.
Shrink wraps would, on the other hand, be useful in wrapping fabric furniture. It just needs to be padded on the edges and wrapped with shrink wraps. This would be effective enough to prevent scratches during the travel. Drawers should only contain linen and clothing only though.
Remember to label boxes and all your belongings. This is important if you don't want to lose any of it in transit.