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How to Pack Systematically

People have different ways in packing for a move. Some prefer to pack by room, some like to pack in two separate rounds: first round for packing non essentials, second round for essentials while others simply pack in random. Each of these packing techniques can be very efficient. If you have no idea where to begin, you can proceed like this:
Start by packing the non essentials first such as books and clothes. This allows you to separate the essentials that you still need for the last few days of the move. This way, de-cluttering can be a lot easier since there are fewer items on the way.
First stop: the garage. Empty your garage to have some room for the boxes. This will keep them ready for loading. Next, empty your wardrobe to make sure you don't leave anything behind. You can start by packing seasonal clothes and old toys.
One you're done packing the rarely used items, you can start packing the small non-essentials such as books, DVD's and other home accessories. Over the last few weeks, you can individually pack the bedrooms and clothes.
Items such as dishes, cutlery and cooking materials won't have to be packed right away since you are likely to use them till the last moment. However, try to pack as much as you can before the moving date to avoid last minute hassles. Other essentials such as toiletries, soaps and shampoos can be placed in a carry-on bag for easy access.